Everett ISBI · Simming

2.05: Commitment Issues

Welcome Back! Last time, Natalie moved the family to her own castle-like house. Then she and Walter had their third, and last, child, Quinn. The family was moved to a new world, Roaring Heights. Here they began to thrive. Natalie aged into a mature adult, at the end of the chapter Theo and Parker aged… Continue reading 2.05: Commitment Issues

Everett ISBI · Simming

2.04: Roaring Mad

Hello! Last time Natalie and Walter wrapped up their degrees then came back home to really get to work on the Second Generation of the Everett ISBI. Natalie is a Ghost Hunter, Walter works in business. Natalie is just going through chess opponents like they're candy. Their twins, Theo and Parker, aged into children. Then… Continue reading 2.04: Roaring Mad

Everett ISBI · Simming

2.01: A Mad Genius is Still a Genius

Welcome back to Generation Two! Last time was Natalie's first chapter, so she went out and had a few adventures. She began writing books to supplement an income, and broke up with her teen romantic interest. Graduation named her Most Likely to Offend Others, and she went off to China. She met a guy she… Continue reading 2.01: A Mad Genius is Still a Genius

Everett ISBI · Simming

1.05: Everyone Puts Idiots In A Corner

Hello again, still stuck in Generation 1. Last time was fairly easy. The twins were kids, they went off to boarding school. Natalie aged into a toddler and was doted on during that time by both of them. Lorne and Nicole reconciled their marriage and are now re-married, and she went through a pregnancy last… Continue reading 1.05: Everyone Puts Idiots In A Corner

Everett ISBI · Simming

1.04: Parenthood and Other Pitfalls

Whats up and welcome back to another chapter following the idiots called Everett. Last chapter followed the founder, Lorne, through his midlife crisis where he married Nicole (finally), got her pregnant, divorced her, slept around, got some new body art, and then patched things up with Nicole. Sprinkled in there were the twins being raised… Continue reading 1.04: Parenthood and Other Pitfalls

Everett ISBI · Simming

1.03: Idiot On A Midlife Bender

Last time with these Idiots, Lorne, the founder of the Everetts, moved in his college sweetheart, Nicole Lawry, and they proceeded to go through a pregnancy and have twins. It feels like this generation is taking ages, does it feel that way to anyone else? Nicole likes to play up that she dislikes children, but… Continue reading 1.03: Idiot On A Midlife Bender